Monday, 15 August 2016

World Building - Religion

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Creating a religion is not something I have attempted to do yet. 

It is something I need for one of my stories in waiting so I have been dong some research.
So far-

Why have religion in your story?- religion has influenced much of the real world , if there is not religion in your fantasy world there may be a gap.
What does it need to do? - Explain the explainable, provide hope, purpose, conflicts and if they are essential to your story - prophecies.

What does it look like?

Tell all sides - you are not preaching so ensure all sides are told. Different characters have different viewpoints of the same religion as well as different religions.
Base on a real religion - it will feel more realistic - adapt for your world and characters- a desert religion will not be appropriate for an ice planet. 
It can be important to the characters - either as a believer or an atheist.
It may be background - if it is not important to the characters but exists in the world, mention it lightly during interactions with others or buildings or a story.
Be aware of your own beliefs - aspects of your beliefs will influence your story.
May be linked to your magic system - maybe the gods give their followers magic.
Consider creation and afterlife - how will this effect your plot and characters?
Rituals, songs, prophecies. - It may explain behaviour. If you have prophecies be original with them in some way.
Read -read fantasy stories which are based on religion, Read like a writer and highlight how the religion is woven into the story and used to give the story momentum.

Not easy then.
Good luck.

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