Writer's block - an author's virus.
I have read many articles, blogs and listened to podcasts on this subject just in case I get it one day.
I may have had it in small doses, but continued to write anyway.
Brain freezes in the middle of a sentence
No ideas
Elusive words
Sit staring at a blank page or screen
Write, erase, write, erase, write, erase.....
Prefer housework to writing
My whole story is crap
Why am I wasting so much time?
Fear - failure, getting it wrong, going the wrong way.
Attitude- thinking writing a publishable book is easy
Bad mood - emotions getting in the way
Internet beckons
Inner Editor
Your story has slowed - not enough action
Your characters are boring
Don't feel like writing today
Write something else
Do some research
Set realistic goals
Write a scene you can see that occurs later in the story
Turn off that pesky inner editor, ignore spelling and grammar mistakes.
Do something else creative - paint, draw
Find some nature to breath in
Do some exercise - walk, cycle, swim, dance.
Write for yourself- because you love writing and it makes you feel wonderful
Write rubbish, it can only be polished it it exists
Don't stress about it - it is not permanent
Brandon Sanderson says 'BicHok' - Butt in chair Hands on keyboard and write.
Neil Gaiman says when it happens 3/4 of the way into a story. Don't give up. Analyse what is wrong and correct it.
Terry Pratchett says 'There's no such thing as writer's block. That was invented by people in California who couldn't write' - Yep very useful Terry, thanks.
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