Saturday, 27 August 2016

Don't just write

Pursue other creative hobbies and enhance your writing.

I have noticed many blogs, books and course mention taking  a break from writing, especially if your are stumbling, or a character or scene needs fixing but you cannot see how.
Many people advocate another creative hobby.
Writing threads on social media and online writing groups are interspersed with 'what are your hobbies? What else do you do? etc. The answers are inevitably creative pastimes.


Painting / Drawing / Sculpture / Photography = observation. It helps you observe the world in more detail. Detail that could change your good story into a great one. 
Cooking is about putting the correct flavours, scents and textures together. Writing about smells and tastes pulls your reader deeper into the story. If you can make their mouth water or crave a certain food you have them hooked. 
Gardening is about colour, texture, scents, good and bad. Describe stagnate water through a physical reaction and your reader will crinkle their nose, living the moment of disgust with the character. You will also be int he fresh air surrounded by nature, this opens your mind to more ideas and thoughts.
Listening to music. Music is  a powerful emotive media. It is a creator of mood , inspiration, white noise, focus, and memories. Often a piece of music will take you back in time. This can happen to your characters too. 
Making music / singing is about rhythm,  tone, vibration, and pitch. You are more aware of sounds, harmonic and discordant in the world. There is a rhythm to writing, it is part of your writer's voice. Music and songs tell a whole story in a short amount of time, it helps you to choose your words carefully.
Dancing / Walking /Cycling - all have a rhythm and a freeing of the subconscious. If you do these you are more likely to see the way people move, it enhances your characters body language.
Knitting, quilting, crocheting  sewing all have a rhythm to them, once mastered it is almost meditative, fingers moving while the brain is free to wander. Perfect for a first draft, no inner editor. They rely on pattern, colours, sequence of events. So do stories. 

Allow your creative hobbies to merge.

What do you do when you need a break from writing? 
What are your hobbies when writing becomes a job?

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