Friday, 15 July 2016

You want to be paid for your story?

If you want to be paid- treat your submission like an interview for a job.

Do your research on the book trade.

Read the Book Trade Press - 

Poor Scott Pack was shocked - 

when no-one indicated they regularity read trade press such as The Book Seller . 
I didn't. I do now, although nothing yet has been relevant to my story- it might be in the future.

Publishers and Agents Websites - read them. Are they taking submissions? Do they represent authors who write in a similar genre as your story? Do they represent fiction? - yep - people send fiction to non-fiction publishers and vice versa! Crazy peeps, do you want to be rejected?

Read books which are selling well in the same genre as your story. Know what is similar. Note who the author thanks - this will link you with agents and publishers relevant for you.

Mingle with agents in the virtual world of Twitter and discover which stories excite them. Another shock for Scott when only a few of us raised out hands to his question, ' Who has a twitter account?' 

Don't do what I did -click follow on  agents and publishing houses and expect them to look at your page.  Now I make the effort to look on their pages and interact. They may remember my name when I submit- hopefully in a good way.

Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook - buy it or read online. I don't, maybe I will when my story is presentable.

Writer's festivals, conferences , talks etc. Great way to meet agents- to have a personal connection and know what they like to receive. I am trying to keep links I made at Winchester going. 
Hopefully Scott won't be too cross at my version of his talk. I am sure he'd rather you bought his book- it is more detailed and from the horse's mouth.

All of the above takes time. 
Are you serious enough about this publishing path to invest the hours ?
At the moment I am, Check back in six months and see if I am still enthusiastic.

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