Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Submission submitted ...now what?

Dig out your patience, sit back and wait.

I have submitted in the past - before I set out on my mountainous learning adventure - the waiting game is hard.

Scott - full of realism- said - 
'Oh did I say creating your submission was the hard part ? The next stage is worse!'  
Thanks again Scott.

You have to be patient because Agents are not Superheroes. 

Until they have chosen your story, then they are your personal Superhero. 

Can you imagine how many submission are sent every day? And reading them is a small part of the agents job.

Most agent sites I have perused say they do aim to read all submissions and often they will give a realistic time span of at least two months. 
DO NOT pester before this time has elapsed. 

After 3 or 4 months sending a polite enquiry letter about your submission is fine. Then wait again. If you do not receive a reply cross them from your list and continue the process with another company.

You can send to more than one agent at a time, just keep track of who you have sent to, they do not appreciate the same submission twice.

Be aware of Book Events such as the London Book Fair. Agents tend to be busy with important trade events, so will take longer to read their ever growing pile of submissions. If you are watching them on twitter you will be more aware of holidays, festivals and events the agent is attending.

Ok. You have waited and after 3 months a standard rejection letter arrives, sending you into despair. DO NOT send a reply tot he agents. Accept with grace and move on.

Sometimes you will be rejected with advice- Take it and use it to improve.

My advice - While waiting write your next book :)

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