Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Imagine Sci-fi

I visualise my characters, setting and stories as if I am watching them happen in front of my eyes. 
Often I peruse Pinterest and an image will talk to me and the story unfolds. 

Here are a few images from Pinterest to kick start sci-fi writing - with no cliche's of course!

Everyone will have a different reaction, emotion and idea from these images. 
That is why writers are awesome.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Researching sci-fi cliches is like a black hole

Oops sorry, I have not posted for a few days- have been making the most of the Autumn sunshine.

Some people pointed out that some of the sci-fi cliches in the last post were tropes.

So I decided to narrow the field to Space opera plot cliches.
There were too many and I am getting sucked in to a black hole of despair rather than learning anything new.

So I narrowed down to space adventure as this is what I am planning to write, or is it a mystery?
There are still too many cliches or tropes to avoid my head is spinning and I am not able to list them here.

I have decided this is not helpful research as I am never going to avoid them all in my writing.

I tried a new tack - what is great space adventure writing?
There is not a huge amount of advice but it needs 
Big emotions
Personal stakes
Great characters
Fantasy/ sci-fi crossover
A reason it cannot be an adventure on earth.

I also found an interesting blog by Charlie Jane Anders where she mentions not using the term 'spaceship', not using warp speed and finding other ways apart from cryo-technology to expand lifespans. 

The more I read the more I think my story is a mystery adventure set in the vastness of space rather than sci-fi and that I should just get on and write it. It is definitely a fantasy / sci-fi cross over. :)
I can worry about cliches when I edit.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Sci -fi wriitng cliches

Started to do my research and found hundreds of cliches related to sci-fi.
I wonder why there are so many. Is sci-fi becoming boring?

Here are a few - and my comments related to the story I wish to write

Empire / Rebel Army tries to overthrow Evil Empire - Nope
Good guys travel through time to stop bad guys -Nope
Human brains connected to computers Nope
Aliens want the resources of earth Nope
Romance between human and robot / alien Nope
Android develops human emotions Nope
Worlds ruled by huge corporations Nope
Navy terminology in space - will look up and avoid.
Cops from the future Nope
Every alien race speaks English - Can you read alien? Ah need to think of a way around this problem.
Aliens use organic technology - and its sticky and smelly Nope
Aliens are bigger and stronger than humans Nope
Warp / Hyperdrives and every race uses the same type of technology - Oh no I wanted one of these!
Pulse weapons - not possible therefore should be fantasy - Could be a fantasy sci-fi crossover?
Ships that are not streamlined - I'm ok here I think.

......the list is endless, but so far my planned story is doing ok.
I may have to refine my search to specifics 

I'll look at cliche plot lines tomorrow.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Sci-fi writing predicts the future

Yesterday I read about Chinese and Canadian scientists teleporting photons successfully, so yes sci- fi can predict the science of the future.
We still have a way to go before 'Beam me up Scotty' is for real , but it is possible.

Why do we want to write or read sci-fi?

The wonders of science.
Cautionary tales of science going horribly wrong
The challenge - a willingness to suspend belief.
Often they are stories about change, something we are scared of but desire.
The 'what if' factor
It is a reflective genre showing something about our society in a way we can't do it.
Exploration and adventure - yep that's what I want to write about.

What do we need to know to write sci-fi?

Understand current science, make sure you know what has been discovered.
Know what has been written, be original. 
Know the cliches so you do not use any -Exploration and discovery, everything is new.
YA readership is not huge - this one surprised me. - but it's growing.

Fingers crossed, I will be ready to start on my Sci- fi adventure in November.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Reading like a writer - The Black Prism

The Black Prism - Brent Weeks

Not a review but what I learnt while reading the story-

This is a wonderful example of world building, great detail and descriptions.

Sometimes I am in awe at other writer's imaginations.

It is possible to like the bad guy, who may be the good guy!

Really subtle clues to plot twist work well, keeping the reader wondering and then satisfied

It is possible to write the first book in a series as a complete book in itself

I speed read or skip long descriptive passages- will go back and read all to see how necessary these missed bits are.

It took me a while to get into the rhythm of the story, (maybe because I skipped some?) but once there I enjoyed it immensely.

I love this type of fantasy.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Writing habits

One of the reasons I started this blog was to get into the habit of writing every day. 
It has worked.
I miss it if I am unable to do so, due to work and family, so I try to find some time even if it is just 15 minutes.

Other good writing habits are -

Find the best time for writing for you. Many people like to write in the early morning or ate at night when distractions are at a minimum. I like to write in the afternoon or evening. 

Aim to write every day - either find a set time or fir it around your life.If you do not have time to physically write, use any moment to think about your writing, where it may go next, what the character may say etc. But if you do not physically write for three days in a row the habit fades.

Set yourself deadlines- its good practise for a publishing deal in the future. I want to write the first draft of a sci- fi in November, but I am rewriting a YA. I have decided I have to finish the rewrite before November. Could be hard, but I'll do my best.

Do not expect your work to be perfect. It is important to write even when it feels wrong and boring- you can edit later.

Read. Do not feel guilty when you find time to read- reading is vital for writers.

Understand that time for writing is your reward for dealing with everything else in your life more efficiently. 

After an hour of writing take a short break to do something physical.

Enjoy your writing, and soon you will miss it so much you will find the time.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Writing a worthy Villain

I have not created any real villains in my stories. 
Yes there is conflict and problems and mini antagonists but not a proper villainous character. 
I need to create one for my sci-fi story I wish to first draft in November so I did some research. 

A villain or antagonist -

Is not a device but has his/her own story and character arc.

Has flaws which stop him/her from being totally evil

Believes he/she is the hero

Can be likeable

May be a best friend or even a lover.

Is understandable, there are reasons for his/her evil ways.

Needs to be smart, strong and capable. A worthy adversary. 

Can be in the background, with minions to carry out the evil plan

Needs to be some of these - jealous, vengeful, angry, deceitful, persuasive, merciless, occasionally kind.

Now I have lots to think about.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Reading like a Writer - A Very Accidental Love Story

I picked this book up at a french car boot for 1 euro.

This is not a review, but what I learnt from the story.

Stories can be predictable and enjoyable.

The title does not have to be totally accurate.

Characters can be stereotyped and likeable.

Stories do not always have to be deep and meaningful

Easy reading is relaxing.

Romance stories can be fun to read.

Happy endings leave you with a smile.

Having read this I looked at my semi-romance first draft story and I can see some similarities :)

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Ingredients for a character on the side

Your main character needs people to interact with.
Some are minor, but others are more important

Ingredients for a side character

The reader does not get to see their viewpoint
Introduce them twice - the first time in passing and the second time more clearly so the reader thinks - oh yes I've heard his name before.
The side character doesn't know they are a side character, they are the hero of their own story and they need an arc through the story.
They are important to the story.
Never in a scene alone.
Around enough times to be more than a minor character.
They have their own voice.
They have flaws.
Generally have one clear trait- an allergy, fashion accessory etc
They may be linked to a particular place.
They add more conflict to the story by annoying the main character, pushing their emotional buttons.
They can be someone for the main character to chat to.
They are a support, sidekick etc.
Not too memorable.
They can be killed.
They can become a main character in a sequel.

Enjoy and have fun creating.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Stop tweaking your writing

You know that feeling of going round and round and getting nowhere?

I am rewriting a story and post each chapter as I finish the rewrite. I read comments and read the chapter again and tweak.  
Recently I tweaked a chapter three or four times and one of my readers said- 

"Stop tweaking and move on or you will lose the flow of the story, and your momentum."

She is right.
I was worrying about leaving something in or not and then realised -If you are going to submit to an agent then they will tell you if something needs removing.
If you are going down the self publishing route its good to have other people read your manuscript to pick up plot problems etc as well as using a professional editor.

So how do you know when to stop?

When you put a word in, then change it, take it out and return to the first word
You are adding scenes or even chapters rather than reducing the word count.
You are nit-picking.
You edit but the story does not improve.
You have edited for everything you can think of but need just one more...
You have been editing for years!
Your unique writing voice dissolves under the onslaught.

It will never be perfect, but it must be finished to send out into the world.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Reading like a Writer - The Girl on The Train

Hi, sorry I have been away and entertaining family.

But I did manage to finish 'The Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins

I am not reviewing it here, but thinking about what I learnt from this book.

Some stories are depressing - a book can be written in the rhythm of the characters life.

Difficult subjects can be portrayed well - but you need to remember a reader does not wish to be depressed by the story.

I had to be in the right frame of mind to read this- not everyone will enjoy the stories I write

A main character does not have to be likeable - you can feel sorry for them and read on hoping their questions will be answered.

I understand what an unreliable narrator is - very clear and cleverly used in this story.

Plot twists are good when they have solid grounding and clues. I understand better how this is done.

First impressions are important - the first book a reader reads will determine whether they wish to buy any later books you write - regardless of best seller listings.

That's it.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Writing with concrete boots!

Yep, that's how it feels sometimes.
It's not always a bad thing, and it can be pretty!

I am rewriting a book and the last chapter has taken me forever to re-write. It's not a block, just lots of backtracking.
Walking my dog in the rain this morning I pondered on this problem.

Reasons for concrete boots-

Real life distractions - turn off the phone and shut the door to your writing space. If needed put a sign on it saying disturb only in an emergency. When family visits decide to honour your writing or put it aside until they have gone. No half measures. Turn off the guilt in your head, and make a decision.

Another part of the story is interfering with your thought process - write this first - maybe in note form so you do not forget the idea, and then return to what you were working on  

Another story is interfering - write a few ideas down and file it. Be firm with yourself, finish the edit or rewrite you are working on first, you can start another story while you put this one aside.

There is a problem with the plot - re look at the plot as a whole, maybe you have made a twist too soon, or not soon enough.

There is a problem with the character - check the character is reacting in the way their personality dictates.

There is a problem with the scene- maybe it is not needed at all. Check it is necessary for the story to progress. What does it add? Don't delete just put it somewhere or leave it and ask Beta readers their opinion.

It is backstory - if it is not exciting when you write it, it may not be exciting to read, is it needed at this point or in this detail?

I am sure that my problem is that the scene is not necessary, I may send it to my Beta Readers and see what they say or I may have the courage to cut it out and save it as a reject!

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Finding time to write

There are not enough hours in the day ! A common complaint of writers who also have to work.

What can you do? How can you squeeze another hour into your day?

Keep a diary of how you spend every hour for a couple of weeks- this will show you gaps.

Do not turn on the TV

No social network sites until you have written

Buy good quality headphones

Tell the dust it can stay

Learn to say 'No thanks' to social requests.

See writing as your daily wind down 

Keep your writing flowing through your mind when walking, driving, eating etc

Make realistic goals for each week

Ensure your family or people around you  leave you alone when you write (unless there is a life 
threatening emergency) Tell them you do not need a cup of tea, thanks.

Turn off your phone

Do not put writing your blog as a priority over writing your story

Any other ideas will be gratefully received.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Your characters change the plot

If you are anything like me, it doesn't matter how planned your plot is your characters have their own views on where the story is going.

Do you stick rigidly to your plans or go with the flow?

Most advice seems to be -

Go with the flow on a first draft, and then look at what has happened and make decisions on re-write 

-Backtrack to the plot but save this new idea to use somewhere else.

-Change the plot line to include this new idea, create reasons and credibility.

-If you are surprised at the twist, your readers will be too.

-You may write the same chapter in two or three ways to find which feels right, just don't press delete during this process.

-Maybe the character has progressed and your original plot line is not longer appropriate.

-Often your characters are stronger for the changes they demand, and the story is more interesting.

Be reassured it is not really imaginary fiends taking to you, and you are not crazy. I believe it is your subconscious understanding of personalities and your imaginative 'what if?' coming together to create an awesome story.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

What does a great story need?

Answer - a great writer!

No seriously, I watched part of a conference - 
I think it was on TED, and Andrew Stanton had this to say about what a great story is. 

The core of the story needs to be emotional, intellectual and concrete.

Every scene promises the story will lead the reader somewhere.

Gives the reader 2 +2 not 4 - allow them to do the maths. Readers like to work out what is happening, but not consciously.

Reason which drive the characters forward are realistic and understandable.

Life is never static for the characters. 

'Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty.' William Archer.

There is a strong theme, the characters have a place in the world.

Wonder is invoked- awesomeness abounds.

Great story writers know the rules, but know rules can be broken.

The author writes about the values at their core.

Writing this blog is great because I am looking back over all my notes and finding interesting and useful information I have forgotten. 

My thought on the above  -We all have to remember what is a great story for one reader may not be for another- it is a subjective world - the world of storytelling.